La politica

This is a song writed by Marcel Escuder, She's always looking for a new emotional lenguage and in the same time  she love to give a message to the world. Enjoy

Marcel Escuder Biography

Marcel Escuder 

 Marcel was born in Venezuela. A natural born dancer, she showed a passion for dance at an early age, and began taking lessons at 5 years old. She studied for be a teacher of dance in the university of dance (Caracas- Venezuela). She continued her career as a teacher of dance, for a coup of years, and then she travel around the world.

 Marcel started to travel in April 2007,
first step was in Italy, living an important and interesting cultural exchange with different and characters of the Italian art scene. She is presented in several theatrical performance in many cities of Italy as Naples, Rome, and Milan. She's usually working on make music and getting enjoying with some artist friends.

La danza delle macchine

First single by Marcela Pautt (Marcel Escuder) "La danza delle macchine" in spanish version "El automovil viene y va"  you can also follow her for free in youtube channel.

Thanks for watch and good music.

PS: To add with the facebook contact: Marcel Escuder, twitter @marcelapautt or myspace with the same name Marcela Pautt.